Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe
Founder of PHIRE
Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe, founder of PHIRE, is a UK trained medical doctor with a decade of experience within hospital medicine of various disciplines within multiple countries. Emergency Trauma Medicine is her area of expertise in hospital, and in training for this speciality she has a broad base of medical experience including surgery, anaesthesiology, obstetrics, paediatrics and intensive care (both neonatal and adult). She has worked in hospital emergency rooms, led trauma teams, taught on trauma medicine courses throughout the UK and abroad and was selected to instruct doctors on teaching within medicine for Advanced Trauma and Life Support (ATLS).
In 2008, she began researching biological effects of non-ionising radiation. This research included copious literature appraisal, and conducting her own research via medical assessments of those with Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS). She has provided evidence regarding public health concerns of radiation exposure at the highest political level both here in the UK, and in Europe. She has provided support for schools and parents who require advice to better protect the health of children and information and advice for doctors and their patients.
She formally transitioned from clinical medicine to full time research in 2015, and continues to advise where appropriate and necessary. Given that the task of providing such support for ever growing numbers is escalating, she founded PHIRE (Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment) to facilitate education on a larger scale. The group already has international affiliations with medical doctors’ groups abroad and is currently constructing best practice guidelines for non-ionising radiation (NIR) health for multiple settings. Additionally, she is currently working within multiple international expert teams as below:
Founder: Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment (PHIRE)
Special Expert: International Commission on Biological Effects of Non-Ionising Radiation (ICBE-EMF)
Honorary Member: British Society of Ecological Medicine (BSEM)
Medical Advisor: Oceania Radiofrequency Scientific Advisory Association (ORSAA)
Medical Advisor: Electrosensitivity UK (ES-UK)
Member: International Guidelines for Non-Ionising Radiation (IGNIR)