Founded by Dr. Erica Mallery-Blythe, Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment (PHIRE) is an independent association of medical doctors and associated specialists assembled for the purposes of improving education regarding health effects of non-ionising radiation. We collate research produced globally on this issue, share and critique it and also conduct our own research.

We use the resulting knowledge to help educate ourselves and others, improve best practice guidance, and facilitate the protection and support of vulnerable groups.

PHIRE welcomes new members (see ‘join’ page) of all backgrounds to join the free membership group that suits them in order to receive up to date information regarding this rapidly evolving subject and support PHIRE should they wish.

If you wish to use any text, graphics, or other resources from this site, please request permission from the relevant author who will be credited to that piece of work. Thank you. PHIRE is constantly uploading new material, in particular, the resources menu will be receiving many new items over the next few months.