If you’d like to join PHIRE – please fill in the form below and let us know which group you’d like to be a part of. Be reassured, we will never share your information with any other party.

[If you are also signing an appeal, join under your appropriate PHIRE group, (making clear any post-nominal letters), and let us know in the free text at the bottom which appeal/s you would like to sign. Thank you.

Current appeals include the British Medical Doctors open letter, The Brussels Declaration and the International EMF Scientists Appeal, all are shown under PDFs in ‘Resources’]

PHIRE Groups

PHIRE MEDICAL (Medical doctors)

PHIRE ASSOCIATE SPECIALISTS (Scientists or other academics of relevance)

PHIRE AMBASSADORS (Experienced individuals with excellent communication skills who facilitate education within the scope of PHIRE to the general public)

PHIRE TECH (Information Technology Experts, Electronic Engineers etc)

PHIRE EMERGENCY (Emergency Services Personnel [except medical doctors], fire fighters, police, paramedics etc)

PHIRE PROOFERS (Building Biologists, Architects, Builders, Planning Officers, Buildings Regulators etc)

PHIRE GLOE (Governors, Legislators, Ombudsmen, Educators)

PHIRE POWER (Parents Opposed to Wireless Electromagnetic Radiation – Grandparents also welcome)

PHIRE STARTERS (Children and Young Adults with EHS related medical challenges or Conscientiously Objecting)

PHIRE LIGHT (Practical, spiritual, and emotional support group to help bring comfort to those who are most in need)

PHIRE EMBERS (This group is dedicated to those who are no longer with us, but whose memory lives on, in our cause. They may have had EHS or other EMR related illness or made outstanding contributions to the field. You may enter their name and details with your own contact, and a tribute to them will live on within this group).

PHIRE COMMUNITY MEMBER (for anyone who wishes to join PHIRE for information or support)


Preferred contact method

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